What we’re about
There are definitely many singles who are also vegetarian/vegan (or at least singles who like vegetarian/vegan food) in the SoCal region, interested in meeting people of the opposite gender. Many people who fit these characteristics are very busy and don't have the time to search and find compatible people. That's where this group can definitely help out. Health conscious people usually have many other common aspects besides what they eat (or don't eat) such as the basic one--many are actually really nice people who care about a lot of things around them. In addition, vegetarians/vegans share similarities culturally, environmentally, politically, etc. Our purpose is to be an active group with many fun events and activities.
Policies of this meetup group:
1) You must have a photo showing your face in your profile when you become a member of the group. The photo should only have you in it. And please don't wear anything that looks like fur in your photo.
2) Group photos: Please check with individual members before you photograph them. Take pics of the food! Let's show the world how delicious vegan food looks!! Whenever you get a chance, please "tag" yourself in event photos. It really helps us get to know one another!
3) You must be considerate of others in the group.
4) If you personally solicit attendees for products/services or to join groups/organizations you will be removed from the group.
5) If you don't attend a meetup within one year of joining this group, you may be deleted from the group. After that, if you you don't visit the group within one year, you may be deleted from the group. We would like members to attend at least 1 meetup per year.
6) If you RSVP for an event and don't show up, especially if it is a meetup at a restaurant where the Organizer has reserved a seat for you and you didn't update your RSVP to indicate you were no longer going or you didn't call if you were given a phone number to let the Organizer know of your change of plans before the meetup, you may be deleted from the group.
If you plan an event and wish to invite this group, please don't hesitate. We love variety! The Meetup website is fairly intuitive and user-friendly. You can easily submit all the event details, and an organizer will approve all appropriate events: VEGAN FOOD ONLY is just about the only restriction on our events.