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What we’re about

Find yourself in mid-life single, widowed, divorced? Social Single Ladies 55+ Meetup is the answer to new friendships + fun activities.

We are a social group for single women age 55 and over. The group was created 12 years ago. We created the site for the purpose of providing a venue for ladies to socialize in a safe environment and enjoy life with other single women.

For security reasons we have made our site private. I think it best that people are not able to see when a member is planning to be at our events.

We do ask for a $10 donation for calendar year 2022 to help defray the cost of running the site. Dues are for calendar year 2022 and regardless of when you join, they will expire 12/31/22.

As in most well run groups, we do have guidelines.

  • If attending an event you must be at least double vaccinated and preferably have your booster. We will follow CDC recommendations.
  • Masks must be worn at inside events except when eating or drinking.
  • 3 no-shows or canceling the same day as an event and being consistently late may result in removal from the group.
  • Clear full face photo is required on your profile and also either your MeetUp Groups or Interests must be public.

I hope that you will consider joining us in 2022.

Pam Moschilli