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What we’re about

This is a meetup for women who like to read and discuss books. We welcome you to join one of our existing book groups or volunteer to host a new group.  Currently, we have 2 book clubs – the Page Turners and the Rambler Readers. Each of these groups has a core membership who regularly attend meetings. Each group has a limit (10 attendees) for each meeting, but there is usually room for a couple of newcomers or “semi-regulars” to join each meeting. If the limit for the next meetup for either group has not been reached, feel free to RSVP. The format for each group is a little different, but generally the same book is read by all members of the group and then discussed at the meeting. The Page Turners is organized by Judy and meets the last Thursday of each month, usually at a coffee shop. The Rambler Readers is organized by Lori and meets every 4-6 weeks, usually on a Thursday or Friday at Boudin SF or at a member home. We started as a social group for the women of the South Bay Ramblers Hiking group, so most of the women in the Ramblers Readers are also hikers. The Page Turners group has more of a mix of hikers and non-hikers.

If the two current book groups become full with regular members, we encourage someone else to set up and lead a group.

RSVP Guidelines for the Page Turner group: If you attend a meeting, you will be automatically RSVP'd Yes for the following months meeting. If you will be unable to attend, please let us know by changing that RSVP to No so others can attend in your place.

RSVP Guidelines for the Rambler Readers group: Regular attendees (i.e., core group member) will automatically be RSVP'd "Yes". If your RSVP is "Yes" please be sure to attend. If you are unable to attend, please change your RSVP to "No" so others can attend in your place. If a core group member misses three meetings in a row, she will no longer be automatically RSVP'd "Yes" and will need to add herself in if she wants to attend the meeting.