What we’re about
We live in an uncertain world. It seems everyday there is a calamity in the news. Plane and train crashes, tsunamis, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, the list just goes on and on. It seems so important to be prepared for events that come on all so suddenly.
<br> Our group was established to share knowledge and skills that have been all but lost in the current age. Survival is often encapsulated in the idea that what you hold in your head is perhaps more valuable than what you hold in your bag. Survival may be the art of staying alive, but it need not stop there.
<br> We enjoy bushcraft as well. The ability to make the things that make survival comfortable is the next step forward on a path to self-reliance. Primitive skills lead forward to more advanced skills and some gear that makes life easier.
<br> Further along that path to self-reliance are the homesteading skills and practices. Raising food in the garden and pen, preserving it for later days, and preparing it for the table. We foster an attitude that respects the world we live in, taking advantage of off grid techniques, to become self-sustaining.
<br> Our instructors are happy to share with new friends. We have a format that is more organic than just any old classroom. Get your hands dirty with us and you can be certain to learn the things to not only walk out of the woods, but walk right back into them and prosper.