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What we’re about

Energy workers, seekers, healers, lets rally and heighten the vibrations. Im looking for people interested in creating, gathering, attending Reiki Groups, Sound bowl meditations, drumming, Energy and Crystal Healings, Guided Meditations, open spiritual discussions, and anything else your interested in sharing. I have a great space to meet and share. The possibilities are endless :)

In the meantime I invite you to this group where the focus is Spiritual Development, Self Empowerement, Forgiveness, Love, Mediumship, Energy Healing, Metaphysical Exploration, Connection to Spirit.

I hold workshops that will discuss Spirituality beliefs, experiences, Channeling, Strength Building, Heightening Vibrations, and most importantly Personal Growth. We need to feed and strengthen our spirituality to understand our Journey and to be better prepared so that life's everyday turmoil doesnt knock you down.


Got questions, give us a call! Mon-Sat (11am-7pm) @ (909) 622-7800

Upcoming events (3)

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