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What we’re about

Meet fellow investors, real estate professionals, mortgage consultants, contractors and insurance agents that specialize in real estate investing.

All are welcome. If you are not currently a real estate professional or investor we can help you get there!

Investors: join the group and get emails for local properties for sale right in your inbox. Leads!!!

Real Estate Agents: join and post your investment properties to the group.

Lenders: post your rates and hard money loans for our members.

This group is for anyone associated with real estate in any way.

This is not a multi-level marketing group (MLM). Spamming is not permitted.  Each month a dinner meeting is held at the Walnut Grill Restaurant in O'Fallon and  attendees have the opportunity to discuss case studies, a chance for Q&A and an opportunity to network and enjoy a great meal with other investors.  The meeting is FREE, but we do ask that everyone have dinner so that the restaurant welcomes us back each month.

Expand your Investor Literacy. Understand the Property Cycles and PROFIT! Real estate investing has a steep learning curve, anyone that tells you it's easy or that they know everything isn't being 100% truthful, but when done right  - it can be very rewarding and a lot of fun. So come and learn how you can have fun in real estate investing and find personal fulfillment.

Remember: This is a dinner meeting. Please purchase dinner as you come in. The restaurant let's us use the space so we should patronage their establishment.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Michael Babcock

Upcoming events (2)

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