What we’re about
Anyone who's lost their significant other, especially if it was sudden. Semper Tecum Ero. Goal of the meet up is to meet others going through similar situation, tell stories, and begin to heal. Most people can't relate and we need someone who can understand. The members ARE the purpose of this group so participation in meetups is essential to maintain membership. We welcome those who wish to be members as well as those who wish to contribute even more by being event hosts or assistant organizers.
Everyone joining the group must post a first name and a last initial along with a photo in which their face is recognizable. Also, since nobody knows the area around where you live as well as you do, we are asking that you also post at least one suggestion of a place near you that you would like to see us hold a future meetup (please include both name of the place and the address).
We will approve legitimate requests for membership as soon as possible. If you are NOT a widow or widower please do NOT apply as you will not be approved.
Thank You.