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What we’re about

This is a group for people who enjoy a Sunday morning walk in the Sussex countryside in convivial company.  The walks will usually be roughly 3 to 5 hours in duration and will, where possible, be accessible via public transport. Walks can be either circular or linear but will feature at least some sort of refreshment point at the end of the route.

Although the pace is not on a par with the Ramblers you should ensure before signing up for a walk that you can maintain a steady pace.  As a guideline, the Group usually walks at around two and a half miles per hour.

Dogs are, in most instances, welcome but remember on many routes you may encounter livestock who can be particularly protective of their young in early summer (that’s enough disclaimers). Dogs are entirely the responsibility of their owners and it the owner's responsibility to ensure their dogs are on a lead when nearing roads or livestock. 

The walks are free and open to all (even non-members) and any member of the group can suggest/organise a route – the more the merrier.

Please be aware - There is always a risk of injury when participating in any outdoor activity so please be sensible and responsible. Always be prepared for adverse weather by bringing a waterproof jacket, warm clothes, and high energy snacks in cold weather and protection from the sun and heat in summer. Please wear sturdy footware. By RSVPing to a walk, you accept responsibility for your own safety, and agree that the Organisers and walk leader can be in no way held responsible for any injury incurred to yourself, your guests, or your or their dogs, in the course of the walk.