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What we’re about

TOG is a hackerspace based in Bluebell in Dublin. It is a shared space where members can have a place to be creative and work on their projects in an environment that is both inspiring and supportive of both new and old technologies. It is also a community of fellow minded hackers and makers with varied events for the public.
We have regular open events for visitors and these evenings are usually free to attend. They include lockpicking, coding, crafting, electronics, brewing, wikipedia editing and others. We hold a regular Open Social evening on about the 3rd Saturday of each month, when we just come in and hang out for the evening. We also collaborate on many external events like Repair Cafe and DublinMaker.
Come and visit. If you’ve never been in before, we’ll give you the grand tour of the space. Talk to members and visitors about projects or things you’d like to do. If you like what you see, ask about joining as a full member. Membership gives you 24/7 access to the space and all it's facilities, which includes 3D printers, laser cutter, workshop, classrooms with seating and projectors and a fully kitted out electronics lab. We also have eating and cooking facilities and off-street parking. There is also a great community spirit with ongoing community events.
To join us as a member, get to know us, then feel free to sign up for membership using our online form or ask for more information from any of our members.

Feel free to drop in for any of the listed events, or just drop a mail to to find out when we are open for a look around.


Upcoming events (4+)

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