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What we’re about

The Atlanta Trail Running and Beyond group is for runners throughout the Metro Atlanta area who like to run trails and other outdoor fitness activities.

Come Trail run with us! We run on the dirt and in the trees. Why? Trail running is...FUN, less impact on the body than running on pavement, utilizes more muscles groups so you get stronger, balance and agility improves, mentally stimulating, a great way to connect with nature, and you're having so much fun you want to keep running! Running is also a lot easier to run when running with others!

Metro Atlanta and North Georgia is a Trail Runner's heaven with some great trails! Metro Atlanta has 50+ trails! Trail Running is different from road running. Running on dirt is much kinder on the joints.

Why join this group? - - - If you have not run trails before, come join us for a trail run to get introduced to how running on trails has a little different style than running on pavement. Meet runners who share similar running goals and schedules, whether the goal is to improve fitness, race a 10k or ultra distance event; this group has a diverse group of members.

Being in a group provides some margin of safety when running on trails, ... and especially if the trails are remote or unfamiliar. Trail running buddies can also be motivational. We can also learn new trails from others.

So if you are tired of running the same old roads, dodging traffic, and smelling the fumes of cars and trucks, come on and lets trail run.

This group is for those of us who enjoy running within nature. Trail runners are much different than those road runners who seem to enjoy pounding the pavement more than a hike through the woods. For some runners, this group is a social group and is about getting a good low impact workout by running through beautiful scenery. For other runners, this group is about training for races.

If you want to run different trails, we have 50+ running trails in Metro Atlanta listed in the message Board to pick from to enjoy a diversity of nature scenery.

Why You Should Trail Run? - - - Top 10 Reasons to Trail Run instead of running on pavement

Who should join this group? - - - We are safety conscious and do not leave anyone behind in the middle of the woods. So, to make if fun for all runners, if you can comfortably run 4+ miles on roads then you are ready to take on the local trails with us. There are fast runners and slow runners. We runs like an inchworm with the fast runners periodically stopping to wait for (or run back to) the slow runners. Our trail runs are usually 5 miles to 11 long, and occasional up to 15 miles. Our running paces are generally from 12 to 15 minutes per mile on trails without too much elevation change... of course, the more elevation change, the slower the pace.

A diversity of outdoor activities are welcome to be posted in this meetup!

We enjoy diversity in our trails, and running cohorts. We like many outdoor adventure like walking, hiking, and rucking on trails. We enjoy adding strength training to a trail (run/hike combined with pushup, sit-ups,...) We also enjoy outdoor activities like canoeing / kayaking and mountain biking.

If you would like to become an event organizer and host your own group event runs please visit the Guidelines for Event Organizer page and contact the Organizer. Please let the organizer know what type of event(s) you want to post, approximate distances, running pace, and any other relevant information.

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