What we’re about
We wish to join with others curious about the diverse and complex realities of our world and ourselves to freely enjoy edutaining (educational and entertaining) presentations and to actively participate in joyous discussion. Most meetings, inspired by Ted talks, feature viewing short videos (20 mins or less) followed by thoughtful, respectful and fun-filled discussions. The videos are usually from Ted talks, documentary clips, and even those viral Facebook videos with a provoking message to share. Members are welcomed to recommend topics for meetings and specific videos to be watched with preference given to newer members.
We also schedule participation in public events followed by discussion over dinner, for example the monthly "Science on Tap" events . Again, members are welcomed to recommend events and post event discussion venues.
TEDx Schenectady has been organized and supported by members of this meetup and we hope you will consider becoming part of this tradition. Also those of you more community oriented might consider invigorating the Center for Empowering Communities in Schenectady, NY formed by some of our members.(https://www.facebook.com/CenterforEmpoweringCommunities).
We hope that by participating in this groups activities you will be better able to: 1. Learn about interesting complex aspects of our inner and outer worlds 2. Think critically and become more aware of personal bias and heuristics 3. Value diversity (in all forms including expression, ethnic, sexual orientation, heritage, identity expression) 4. Actively and creatively engage in controversial conversation using mindfulness and empathy to respectfully disagree and build community 5. Use evidence based thinking to support science and other academic disciplines especially related to environmental awareness, and mindful consumption. 6. Enjoy the life of the mind with others.