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What we’re about

This book club is for anyone passionate about the sci fi and fantasy genre and is yearning to have lengthy, detailed, nerdy discussions on the books we read. If you're like me and bored by real life and need dragons/spaceships/magic/aliens/deities in your novels, then please join us every five(ish) weeks for our discussions.

Part of the reason I wanted to form this club is while I have my favourite authors, (Sanderson, Hobb, Jemisin, Rothfuss, Gaiman) I really want to uncover other authors as well as have an excuse to read all the books on my list. I would also like  to meet like minded people who want to take these amazingly crafted worlds and deeply developed characters as seriously as I do. You know when you've read an amazing book and you're just walking around in the world feeling so many feelings but nobody gets it because they haven't spent twelve hours living in the book you've just finished? Let's have feelings together! We are open and welcoming to ALL humans. Enthusiasm is encouraged, but kindness and respect are mandatory. Looking forward to meeting you :)