[5e] [Open] Welcome friends, to D&D in SPACE!!!!*
*****new players are absolutely encouraged.
******Please let me know a day in advance if you'd like to join. Contact number is 269-326-0369
Pressganged by monsters aboard a bizarre vessel, millions of miles from home, our heroes have a tough path ahead of them if they wish to escape and make their way through the universe!
Player guidelines
- We are playing 5e D&D with a few houserules
- You lot are from fantasy worlds that don't yet have space travel. No need to figure out how you got here. You're getting pressganged!
- Everyone gets a bonus feat at first level. Try to keep it related to your background and neither -5/+10 feat is allowed at level one.
- All PHB and spelljammer races are allowed. Other races available on a case-by-case basis
- This crew leans chaotic good. Crew members should be within one step of this alignment (NG, CN, CG)
- No multiclassing. If you have a concept that requires multiclassing, speak to the GM and we’ll see what we can do for you.
*Disclaimer: Spelljammer is not a nice place. Generally we will keep adult content at a PG 13 or below, but slavery, cannibalism, and torture are a part of the setting.