Web Zurich presents inspiring talks all about the web. Join us for the January 2025 meetup! We will have three talks as well as chit-chat and drinks.
18:30 ~ 19:00
Arrival time with drinks, chat and introduction
19:00 ~ 19:20
Csaba Tamas - Frontend Interview process: lessons learned from both sides of the table, what to do and not to do.
Frontend interviews can be a challenging process, but with experience as both a candidate and interviewer, I’ve learned what truly matters. This talk will focus on the insights, skills, and approaches that make candidates memorable and help interviewers identify great fits. Perfect for anyone looking to succeed in frontend interviews or conduct them effectively.
19:20 ~ 19:40
Alexander Repenning - Web Programming for Kids
How can we make programming more accessible to kids? RULER.game is a new Computational Thinking Tool created by one of the pioneers of drag and drop programming. RULER.game runs on most web enabled devices including regular computers, tablets, smartphones, Apple Vision Pro, and, to some degree, even on Apple Watches.
19:40 ~ 20:00
20:00 onward
More drinks & chat
We look forward to see you there!
Viaduktstrasse 93, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland
Visit our website https://webzurich.ch/ for more information about the Web Zurich community.
This event is supported by Impact Hub Zürich, The global community of entrepreneurial people prototyping the future of business. At Impact Hub, you can connect, collaborate, co-work and create great content in an inspiring environment.