What we’re about
Women of Color Workout Too
The Women of Color Workout Too meet up group was created for women interested in supporting each other in their health and fitness goals. Our group is open to all races, but focuses on women of color. The group consists of women at all fitness levels with one common goal: to be healthy. So no matter what level you are currently at with your health or fitness, you are welcome to join our group.
So if you are looking to exercise more, lose weight, enjoy new activities, meet new friends or find others with similar exercise or sports interests as you, this is the right group for you. As a member, look forward to fun group activities, such as Zumba, Water Aerobics, Swimming, Tennis, Golf, belly dancing, Walking/Running and other meetups. In addition to exercising, we will also offer related events and classes on eating and cooking healthier and living a better, longer life.
My name is Tachia (pronounced like Tasha) and I’m the organizer of the group. My personal goals are to lose weight, learn to eat/cook healthier for my family, become more active and support other women in their desire to reach their goals as well.
Our only requirements for membership are that you have a positive attitude, be respectful of other members and are willing to commit to participate in activities. The group encourages you to make suggestions and help plan events. So please join us and I hope you enjoy your membership with the group.
Website: www.womenofcolorworkout.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/wocworkout/
Exercises, Lose Weight, Workout, Weight Loss, Black Women, African American Women, Ladies, Healthy, Walking, Running, Group Exercising, Dancing, Group Fitness, Social Fitness, Dance Classes, Volunteering, Fundraising, Charities, Giving Back, Support, Health, Fun Fitness Women of Color, Latin Women, Hispanic, Caribbean, Weight Loss Challenge