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What we’re about

Active-Adventurers is a welcoming and fun place for good people within Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and even West Virginia who want to get together and have fun enjoying active outdoor activities with like-minded people regardless of their age, sex, race, orientation, religion, country of origin, etc. Our members are diverse, interesting, and friendly.

I'm always looking for people interested in hosting activities, whether it be occasionally or on a regular ongoing basis. If you want to host activities, just let me know, and I'll set you up as an Event Organizer.  The objective for this group is to have a diverse schedule of activities such as hiking, camping, backpacking, fishing, rock climbing, bouldering, caving, etc., that cover a wide spectrum of interests.  Come join our great group of members, have fun with us, and bring your talents and interests to share with us too. I look forward to meeting you. If you want to lead some events, message me, Rich Bethea, using the app. I'll get right back to you. Thanks.

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