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What we’re about

2025 is the WEF year of collaboration and the UN year of the cooperatives. Without a good grip on strategy all collaboration and cooperation become more difficult than necessary.

Our purpose is to better equip the agile community for the strategy conversation.

We will have debate, invite people to share their experiences, and experts to share their advice.

We also look at what this means for the wider organizational ways and forms. How do we work with work in the future?

Suggestions for topics are welcome.

Sessions will be recorded and useful parts published with free access after an event.

Even when events have waiting lists we reserve the right to curate participation outside the order of the waiting list.


Morten Elvang

About the image
The dancing bull and ballerina symbolize the blend of power (to drive value) and agility (to seize opportunities)—qualities essential for future strategy. The red balloon represents implied strategy: your chosen path toward the next best opportunity in a co-evolving business ecosystem. The bull has the power, but you want the ballerina to lead.

Upcoming events (4+)

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