What we’re about
The Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts (formerly GA 400 Linux Group) was started to allow the casual to advanced Linux users to get together and share ideas, knowledge, and face-time with other Linux users. We're focused on helping beginning and returning Linux users learn the basics by establishing a solid foundation. We'll discuss distributions, file systems and storage, installation, databases, networking, and more!
Please visit the ale.org website and join the email lists there based on your interests.
This website will be used primarily for event notices, discussion lists and calendaring.
Definitely sign up to the general ALE email list if you want to stay in the know about ALE. You may want to filter email.
If you want immediate help with an issue, both the email lists is a good place to ask for help.
ALE has meetings in different parts of the metro area, so if one isn't convenient, look for another that it closer. We also meet virtually, through an online video chat every week.