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What we’re about

Welcome to the Easy Riders Motorcycle Group.  

Our Meetup group is based in Allen, TX, and we are an all-volunteer, non-profit motorcycle riding group.
Our group ride activities range from very short rides , all the way up to long-ranged, extended rides to interesting destinations, and just about everything in-between!
Our club welcomes riders with any type/make of bike, and we only ask that the bike be at least 500CC or larger.   
We have "Charter Members" who have been a part of Easy Riders since its inception and have joined in on MANY rides. These members are an invaluable part of our Motorcycle Group. They are always here to answer any questions you may have. They are also excellent in planning rides.

We also have an upper rocker "Easy Rider" patch. 
Although we are NOT a Motorcycle Club (MC), this patch has to be earned.
We are not a club that gives out a Rocker to everyone who joins our group.
We want our members want to be a part of our "Family" and also have good and safe riding skills.
Earning an Upper Rocker requires at least 10 rides, and show that you are a skilled rider or at least made improvement after the 10 rides, and then being approved by a majority vote of the 5 core members of our group.  I will have no vote in the decision.
The "core"  members are 5 people in our group who I picked.
They ride consistenty, they help with rides and they are an integral part of this group.
I trust them explicitly!   
***Also, only "Patched" members may join any overnight or extended trips.***

Alcohol may be consumed once our ride is officially over. Example: Out of town trips at the end of the day at the motel, dinner rides where we are not officially riding back together, but we are going our own separate ways.
Also On Meet and Greet dinner rides that we ride together to the location, but the ride is officially over once we arrive at the restaurant.
We require this in order to keep ALL members safe on our planned rides.  

We do ask you to HAVE FUN and enjoy yourself!
Ride your OWN ride!
We want you to be safe!
By joining and riding with our group, you understand and agree that no member of this group will be held responsible for any accident you may have. We are a safe group, but if you, or anybody in the group, has an accident, the organizers, road captains, fellow members, etc are NOT responsible. By joining our group you agree that the group is not held responsible for you not controlling your bike and maintaining a safe speed, safe distance between you and other bikes,watching at stop signs before you proceed, and you possibly not paying attention and riding safe.   

We also require all new members to sign an electronic release. When we accept you into our group, you MUST send your email address to 

The Easy Riders members pay $25.00 dues annually. 
We offer a 30-day trial period before annual dues become payable.
It will give you a chance to ride with us and see if our group is right for you!
The funds are used 100% toward annual Meetup costs and club activities.
No member of the Easy Riders receives any type of compensation.
We are all volunteers!

Our Facebook page is:
All new members should review this page

We also require that you join our group using your REAL name and post a real photo of yourself.
We REQUIRE that you post a REAL photo of you in your Meetup profile.
Failure to do so may delay your approval as a member.
Road Names may think that you have one, but it is not official until you we give you one...LOL
You may do something on one ride, you may say something, etc. that all of a sudden other members  say...That is it! That is their suggested Road Name.  
This does not in anyway mean that you cannot keep a road name that you have, but we may give you something that you like better!
My Road name was changed by the group a year after I started it.
I like what they gave me because it came from "Friends".   
So, whatever we agree upon, we will then get you a Road Name patch.   
Thank You!   
Randy...aka Ghost Daddy