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What we’re about

Welcome! As a group, we are here to support each other, learn together, grow together and commune together with the Angels. We will explore the Angelic realm, connect with the Archangels and our Guardian Angels, learn about building our Angelic connections, participate in gentle Angelic healing, and call upon these beautiful beings of Love and Light for Divine guidance, healing, and assistance in our lives. We will experience guided Angelic meditations together, learn about stones and crystals that help connect us with the Angels, create sacred space together, provide support to one another as Earth Angels and sensitives, build loving Angelic community, and much, much more!

Our organizer is a trained Certified Angel Intuitive and Certified Angel Card Reader, as well as Angelic teacher and Angel Therapy Practitioner in the Triangle. She is a Certified Spiritual Teacher and Certified Master Angel Practitioner.  Visit her website for more information about events, classes, readings, and healing sessions:

Upcoming events (1)

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