Our next event will be Thursday, March 20th with RSVPs opening Monday, February 24th at 9am. As always, it's first come first served.
If you have RSVPd yes, you are expected to be ready to play at 7pm on Thursday, March 20th. If you are on the waitlist, please check on your status as Meetup does not provide a good alert if you've been moved to the play list.
Those who RSVPd yes and do not show will be removed from the club to make room for other members. We'll share contact info at our next in person event for emergencies, etc.
Join us for a night of Euchre. Bring a partner or come solo. We'll be randomly mixing up partners and opponents between games and play five games.
Play will begin at 7:00 with those who have RSVP'd yes and are on time. There is a 25 minute cap on each game to keep things moving. Each game will end when a team reaches 10 points or after finishing your hand when "time" is called.
Our first game will start promptly at 7:00pm.
Game 1 - 7:00 - 7:25
Game 2 - 7:30 - 7:55
Game 3 - 8:00 - 8:25
Game 4 - 8:30 - 8:55
Game 5 - 9:00 - 9:25
If our total group is not a multiple of four, some will need to sit out a game. Those who arrive earlier will have a better chance of playing in the first game. Anyone who needs to sit out of a game will play in the next game.
Those that RSVP yes are expected to show up on time. No-shows will not be tolerated as they keep others from attending and will result in removal from the club's membership.
Feel free to keep your total score but we won't be competing for anything but bragging rights.
This event is for those with an intermediate to advanced understanding of Euchre.
This is a free event. As such, any food or drinks will be your responsibility. Please take good care of our hosts at Eddie's.