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What we’re about

Hello, and welcome to our friendly group.
We are a group of friends who like to socialise and meet new people. Events are posted as time allows, but we will endeavour to post at least one event a week This is your group too and any member is welcome to host an event, and all recommendations and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

We ask for an annual membership fee of £8 , which is payable when you join the group, and thereafter on the 1st January of each year. All existing members are asked to renew their membership fees on the 1st January of each year. Preferably, please pay your membership fee directly into our bank account -
Sort Code 09-01-29 A/C 30273173 Jane L Reed, with your Meet Up name as the reference. Alternatively you can pay your event host. This is a non profit making Meet Up group ; finances are transparent and records kept.
If you are unsure if ours is the right group for you, please have your first Meet Up event free of charge.

Some events will allow you to bring a guest. For the first event , there is no charge but thereafter we ask for a £1 contribution. Hopefully they will like our group and become a member too!

All members need to agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS before acceptance which are:
By joining, attending and paying for any event hosted by Around and About North Oxon I recognise that there are certain inherent risks associated with events organised by Around and About North Oxon and I accept full responsibility for myself, and any guests, that I bring along and agree to indemnify and defend North Oxon against all claims, causes of actions, damages, judgements, cost or expenses which may arise from my, or my guests, presence or actions.

Our aim is to have fun and to meet and make new friends, so I hope you will decide to join us.
I'm looking forward to meeting you, so hopefully I will see you at an event soon. Joining a new group can be a little daunting, so please message me if you have any questions or concerns, and I will be able to help.
With very Best Wishes