What is silent reading?
Bring a book of your choice, grab a nice drink from the counter, and find a comfy seat! You may be greeted upon arriving, but during the designated silent reading time, the main goal is just to read, so conversation will be limited. (It is, of course, up to you if you wish to engage in conversation during that time, but the group as a whole will be reading--so if someone seems engrossed in their book, let them read!)
Silent reading is a great way to get some reading done while enjoying a fresh atmosphere in companionable silence among other readers. The host will arrive by 9 am, and the designated reading time for this event is 9:15 - 11 am. If you arrive during that time, don't be shy! Simply let the host know you've arrived, then find your own comfy reading nook. After the time frame ends, we'll chat for a bit as a group, and then anyone who is interested will go grab lunch afterward at a place nearby.
So, essentially, just come in and read! (Though please do plan to purchase at least one food or beverage item from the venue.)
What Should I Read?
The short answer is: whatever you want! While we're primarily geared toward manga in this group, feel free to bring a comic book, novel, or even a magazine! Just be mindful of content; we'll be reading in a public place, so please don't bring anything too NSFW.
Want to Read a Book You Don't Own?
Ask the group before the event date! Many of our members have fairly extensive collections, especially when it comes to manga, so it's quite possible someone can bring a book for you to read.
Are We Sitting Together as a Group?
While that is the goal, it won't always be possible, as seating availability will depend upon how busy the location is. The host will try to secure an area with a few seats open (such as a sofa area), but it may not always work out. As such, just find an open seat that works for you!
How Can I Find the Host, and How Will the Host Know I'm Here?
The host will have a sign near them that announces the silent reading event. Just go up to the host, let them know you're there (so that we can all group up after the reading time), and find you a nice spot to read! The host will arrive by 9 am, so there will be a little time before the designated reading time for some chatting and catching up.
This Feels Awkward
Yeah, a bit! It can definitely feel a bit weird going to a place at a designated time to meet up with people who you won't interact with for a large chunk of the time. Once you've gotten acclimated, though, it's actually quite pleasant! While there are certainly going to be other patrons at the location, many people are just there to enjoy a good read alongside you. And many will be excited to talk to you about what they read after the reading time is over!
Will We Grab Lunch?
Sometimes! We'll be trying to rotate venues, and some have food options near them, while some don't. Of course, everyone is free to decide to go grab lunch somewhere together afterward even if the Meetup event doesn't specify it. But check the event title to see if lunch will be part of the plan.
- Lunch at this venue? Yes. Location options include Tenya Japanese Eatery, Willy's, Bullgogi, Saigon Cafe, and other options that we can decide on once we finish reading.
Is There a Max Number of People?
While this is a more free-form style of event, we still don't want to overload a small business by bringing in more people than its space can handle. The number of attendees will be adjusted for future events depending on how the first couple go (and if these are even successful).
Please note that this event will work under our absence policy. Anyone who RSVPs and does not attend (without changing their RSVP) 3 times within 6 months will be removed from the group. (Exceptions are made for RSVPs that automatically change to “Attending” within 12 hours of the event due to other cancellations.)