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What we’re about

"Life is too short…do all the things. Connect. Explore. Instigate. Experience."

This group is for a trusted network of 40+ ladies who are amazing, supportive, and willing to explore. Many of us have formed lasting friendships and are willing to pay that forward.

You’ll find brunches, happy hours, dinners, music events, theater outings, walking or hiking options, volunteering opportunities, day trips or travel options, or just plain silly events. Most importantly**, you will find a group of women willing to learn, share,** and welcome you.

When you request access to the group you agree to the following guidelines (both from our group and the Meetup's “Usage and content policies: Rules for using Meetup” to ensure a safe, fun experience for all.

About Your Approval in the Group
For the safety of our members, we only approve applicants with a picture showing their face. This also helps us recognize people who are attending their first or future Meetup event(s).

Group Guidelines:

  • Please be respectful of other members and your hosts. 
  • Please arrive at events on time.
    • If an emergency prevents you from arriving on time, please contact your host or post a message on the event for the group. 
    • If you are consistently late to events, you will receive a notice or be removed from the group.
  • About your RSVPs
    • If your plans have changed, please update your RSVP to “no” at least 2 days before the event to allow waitlist members to attend.
    • Please avoid canceling at the last minute. 
    • We know life happens. If something comes up before an event, please update your RSVP and comment on the event so the host knows to NOT hold a seat for you as soon as possible and before the event.
  • If you have 2+ no-shows, you will be removed from the group.
  • Follow Meetup’s “Usage and content policies: Rules for using Meetup

About the Waitlist
If you really want to join an event, get on the waitlist! We can't emphasize this enough! Sometimes, organizers try to add new reservations to an event when they see interest. Also, member plans often change as the event gets closer and the space opens up!

If you join the waitlist, here are some suggestions

  • Add the event to your personal calendar and plan on attending. 
  • Watch the event meetup page (and your email!) for updates several days before, even the morning of, the event!
  • If you are on the waitlist but your plans change, please update your RSVP right away. RSVPs can move quickly 1-2 days before, and if you are still on the waitlist but have not changed to NO, you might take a seat from someone else who really wants to attend. (Basically, the same guideline applies here as to anyone else who has RSVP'd Yes.)

Meetup App & Communications
Please ensure you download the app for your smartphone!

  • It's an excellent tool for staying informed and communicating with leaders, hosts, or other members.
  • It’s a vital way for our members are able to view event information, get important notices or messages, view event directions, see updated event comments, and even upload event photos.  
  • Be sure to check your Push Notification Settings and/or Email Settings.

Our Group Leadership & Assistance
There is nothing like making new members feel so welcomed that they want to return! That’s the job and thrill of leading events or meetup groups.

This meetup group started long ago because we remembered the one event leader who made us move from “shy” to “welcomed,” and we looked forward to the next event to meet our tribe again!

I am open to adding new leaders in the future.  If you have the unique skill of creating events or experiences while offering new members the opportunity to join in and explore, let us know! New leaders must have already attended multiple events over time and help create a positive experience for all for the events they join.