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What we’re about

Welcome the AWS Swiss User Group – Lausanne's AWS community. The group aims to bring together people from all industries who are interested in Amazon Web Services, to offer interesting talks, hand-on advises and a forum for exchange and networking. We invite all cloud computing enthusiast, from beginners to experienced and advanced level. Decision makers are as welcome as developers and sysadmins. Our Meetup deal with various topics and combine business and technology. So, come and join us!
You can also participate in the community through our LinkedIn Group : [](

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Sponsor : Digicomp
"Les collaborateurs sont le véritable moteur de l’entreprise !
Nous sommes depuis plus de 40 ans le partenaire de formation leader dans le développement de vos compétences digitales avec la plus vaste offre de formation continue et des formateurs hautement qualifiés et spécialisés dans leur domaine d'expertise. []( "")"

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