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This is a group for anyone interested in or wanting to learn more about or share their knowledge about Azure Cosmos DB.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Azure Cosmos DB: Achieving High Performance and Cost EfficiencyLink visible for attendees
Azure Cosmos DB is widely recognized for its unmatched scalability and performance among NoSQL cloud databases. However, it often carries the perception of being a costly solution. In this session, we’ll explore strategies to maximize both the power and cost-effectiveness of Azure Cosmos DB through effective data modeling and architecture. Drawing from real-world experience, I’ll share how I’ve structured data in distributed applications to run production systems for under $100 per month in database costs. Additionally, we’ll delve into the critical decisions involved in balancing scalability with cost optimization. Join us to uncover practical techniques that make Azure Cosmos DB an indispensable tool for your platform.
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• Check out past meetups on YouTube to catch anything you might have missed
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