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What we’re about

Welcome to the Modern Middle Ages!

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a living history organization dedicated to the re-creation of the culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Members of the SCA work to create a “current Middle Ages” by researching and re-creating the dress, weaponry, armor, jewelry, food, and life styles of the period. The Barony of Jararvellir is the local group of the SCA based in Madison, Wisconsin. We are a part of the region known in the SCA as the Kingdom of Northshield (Generally the Upper Midwest and Mid-Canada).

The Barony hosts armored combat, rapier combat, archery, and thrown weapons, as well as guilds devoted to needle arts, calligraphy and illumination, armor making, dance, fletching, both vocal and instrumental music, brewing and vintning, and many other things. SCA membership is not required to participate in many of these activities. All that’s necessary is your interest.

This Group is held and managed by the Barony of Jararvellir, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the Official channel of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to or to Inclusion of external links do not indicate implicit nor explicit endorsement of any content or products.

a. Community Safety is Paramount – if your content makes our community unsafe, we will act without hesitation to ensure the safety of our community. b. Educate First, Delete Second – in most cases, we will offer you the opportunity to edit or delete your content first. c. Proportional Response – one size does not fit all in social media. We will apply the appropriate level of response to the perceived scale and frequency of the infraction. d. Transparency where possible – where possible, we will explain the management or enforcement actions taken. e. Appeals - if you feel that the action has been taken has been inappropriate, you may appeal to (choose most appropriate) your Kingdom Social Media Officer and Seneschal, the SCA Social Media Officer and Society Seneschal, or SCA President.

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