A monthly book club - meet and chat to talk about the book of the month, with the option to stay on after for a drink and general chat if people would like to 🙂.
"No One Saw a Thing" by by Andrea Mara
"Two children get on the train. Only one gets off...
No one saw it happen.
Your two little girls jump on the train ahead of you. As you try to join them, the doors slide shut and the train moves away, leaving you behind.
Everyone is lying.
It's only when you reach the next stop that you truly begin to panic. Because there aren't two children waiting for you on the platform. There's only one.
Someone is to blame.
Has your other daughter got lost? Been taken by a passing stranger?
Or perhaps the culprit is closer to home than you think…"
We will meet in the lobby seated area of The Architect in central Bath to discuss the book and our thoughts , alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks are available for purchase.
IMPORTANT: Please only sign up for this event if you are intending to come along, please do not "place hold" just in case! 😮
If you do find for any reason that you have to withdraw please change your RSVP to No straight away, in order to allow other people to book on and to ensure that attendees have a genuine idea of how many people will be participating.
Thank You and see you there! 🙂
1. Book Group is a friendly informal gathering. Different viewpoints are welcome but please do treat others, and their opinions with respect.
2. Books to be discussed will be 21st century novels (published 2000 onwards) which are available for purchase in paperback and kindle form. In most cases, the book should not be too long (i.e. approx 400 pages or less).
3. There is no expectation that participants attend every monthly session of the Book Club. You can sign up for as few or as many of them as you like.
4. If you are only part way through the book by the time of the meeting you are still welcome to attend but bear in mind there may be spoilers! Whilst you do not have to have finished the book to attend, it is expected that you will have read enough of it to be able to make some contribution to the discussion - as the event is a book discussion group as well as a social gathering