Hi everyone, this is a relaxed group who play games that people bring along, old or new. Please bring along anything you'd like to play (and be prepared to explain it) or just come and join a game!
Thanks to those who have offered to be event hosts -I will set some or all of you as hosts to fulfil the meetup requirement that at least one host be present (if you are set as a host and cannot attend please just change your RSVP to No). As there are likely to be several hosts this should not create a problem. If anyone else is willing to act as an Event Host please message me (Dave, the Group Organizer) as the more there are the easier it is to keep the events and group going. The role is very simple and primarily involves attending the event!
To help towards the Group's costs payable to the meetup organization for being able to host events on their website, attendees are invited to pay a contribution to the costs, suggested at £1 per session or £2 per month, either in cash at the event to my partner Cath, assistant organizer of the Group, if she attends as a host or else by paypal to my paypal account linked to davebcarter1@gmail.com, whichever you prefer.
This is a not for profit group and any costs received will be used purely to support the Group.
The Westgate are usually very accommodating and we are making use of their facilities, so please buy a drink or food while there. Thanks.
Group Organizer
Bath Games and Geeks