What we’re about
"Truth springs from argument amongst friends"
We are a discussion group of friendly and intelligent people who enjoy wrestling with and studying philosophical topics.
Promoting exchange through examination and reasoned argument, expect to justify, critique, be critiqued and engage analytically with the ideas of others.
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In order to maximise the respect, enjoyment and engagement of all the members of the group, which request that you:
- read all relevant material for a discussion prior to a meeting;
- if you are not already familiar with the subject of philosophy, please try to familiarise yourself with a general background in philosophy by reading some general introductions;
- be considerate to others during our discussions.
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See all- Conspiracy Theories - What, Why, How & WhoThe Grapes, Bath
The willingness of humans to believe a story, real or fictional, is as old as language itself. Whether a tale, and how it is told, is truth, fact, spin, propaganda, opinion, lies, deceit or fraud, we react somehow, usually emotionally and rarely rationally. A good story-teller will engage our emotions, early, and take them on a roller-coaster ride, that whether pure fun, or deeply disturbing, will leave us somehow different after the telling. The story teller may be naïve, sincere, or purposely deceptive; but if they’re good, then we get carried away regardless. The matter is as old as the Acropolis: here Socrates (in Phaedrus) explains the deceit of rhetoric and rhetoricians, in these examples spoken by Lysias:
he appears to have done just the reverse of what he ought;
for he has begun at the end, and is swimming on his back
through the flood to the place of startingnote how the transition was made from blame to praise
the speaker proceeded to divide the parts of the left side and did not desist until he found in them an evil or left-handed love which he justly reviled; and the other discourse leading us to the madness which lay on the right side, found another love, also having the same name, but (this time) divine, which the speaker held up before us and applauded and affirmed to be the author of the greatest benefits.
Perhaps we are not good at separating out and comparing the different principles of entertainment from those of information, and from propaganda, but perhaps we ought to be. Otherwise, we may act on untruths; we may be persuaded to commit crimes by dishonest agitators; we may find ourselves trapped in a network of rabbit holes, so deep, that without a thread from an Ariadne, we’ll never find our way out.
In today’s world, there is a labyrinthine web of conspiracies, that seem to drive politics, culture wars and even societal and family breakdown; and we are all part of, and in, that web. Innocently, we all hold unchallenged opinions and beliefs, and these may sit dormant until someone plucks the right string that resonates them into life, and we automatically agree or disagree with a policy, proposition or assertion; falling into this camp, or the opposite, as quick as you like.We are all more vulnerable to capture and addiction at different times and conditions of our lives; and, in any case, more than we care to admit. The lonely, the isolated, the defeated, the angry, the disenfranchised etc. will also be more susceptible. These are warning signs to look out for in your loved ones.
There is a rich lineage of conspiracies running from the Garden of Eden, (against Eve and all women) through witch calling and burning, to the Jewish cabal, the industrial complex (war machine), New World Order, reds under the bed, JFK, Watergate, Q-Anon, Deep State, Pizzagate, Covid, Bill Gates-gate, cashless society, the Great Reset; and also many more specific and localised conspiracies such as the Orkney Satanic abuse scandal, Andrew Wakefield’s MMR-autism fraud, and the “15-minute city” planning conspiracy.
Many of these have been disproven, but elements still persist! ‘Yeah but, they would say that wouldn’t they, if they were trying to cover it up’. Also, in many of them, although the main premise is pure fantasy, the conspiracy draws upon some elements of truth and reality, which feeds doubt, and this sustains their popularity.
For this discussion I have taken some notes from the first three episodes of a BBC podcast called “Conspiracies: The Secret Knowledge”; you only have to listen to Episode 3, eponymously called “the Secret Knowledge” which aired 26 March 2021, (it’s 27-minutes) - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000tg5j
also please listen to Episode 9, from the first series of Marianna in Conspiracyland, also BBC, (it’s 14-mins) which was first aired on 12 June 2023, and it’s called “People Like Us” –
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001n20xI have also provided a Link (below) to a short document that contains some bullet-points I made from the first three episodes of The Secret Knowledge, it might give you some ideas for the discussion. It also contains ideas for Session Questions. Please make sure you read this too (it’s only 12-pages, mostly bullets, and a good aide-memoire).
Session Notes/Aide Memoire: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ufxX6IaqFXRyKWcgRCYi8D-K1TJy6aJF/view?usp=sharing
There are many books, films, documentaries and websites dealing with this subject; so feel free to do your own research in addition, or instead of, my recommendations. One excellent resource is BBC’s podcast - The Coming Storm; Episode 1 of the first series, was published in Jan 2022 – it’ll blow your mind, and make you giggle with exasperation. It continues through many episodes to the 2024 presidential election; something for your summer holiday playlist perhaps.
As usual bring your own examples and experiences: maybe you’ve discovered, all on your own (my hero!), that the USA and China conspired to start the Ukraine War and also the Middle East conflict with Iran, because they had to cover-up their part in the release of Corona Viruses from Wuhan, and that’s why Twitter changed its name to X.