What we’re about
Our Solarpunk Future
Do you want to see a brighter future?
- Technology for all of us
- Sustainable economy and lifestyle
- Self-governing communities
Our group does art projects, discussions and community projects. We meet monthly online.
Wondering what Solarpunk is? It is a new concept and still being defined, but these youtube videos can help:
We have a blog: https://bayareasolarpunks.org/
If you are interested in contributing any material (art, essays, poems, book/movie review, etc. ) please message one of the group organizers.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- Solarpunk: Empowering people to resolve conflicts over class, race, gender, abilLink visible for attendees
Solarpunk: Empowering people to resolve conflicts over class, race, gender, ability
How will Solarpunk transform our lives by creating:
Autonomous local economies, where all community members are involved in and responsible for production of the material and cultural necessities of life?
Common ownership of land, workplaces, housing, social media, cultural production, and no ownership of natural habitat?
Collective empowerment and decision-making?
Leadership chosen by consensus and continually responsible to the people?
Equality of wages and distribution of goods and services?
Individual and collective freedom of belief, expression, and artistic creativity?
Question: are hierarchies of race, gender, mental/manual labor, and ability human nature or do they have historical origins?
Question: is cultural pressure and conflict resolution sufficient for an orderly society, or do we need law enforcement and a state?Topic: Bay Area Solarpunks Meeting March 18th
Time: Mar 18, 2025 19:30 Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 838 1541 2830
Passcode: 835898Suggested readings/videos:
Solarpunk: Visions of a just, nature-positive world—5 min. https://dialogue.earth/en/nature/solarpunk-visions-of-a-just-nature-positive-world/
Why This Gives Me Hope for the Future (ft. @Andrewism)—12 min.
What If We Ran The Economy?—24 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW5EVNT--DA
Changing The Way We Talk About Disability | Amy Oulton—14 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WIP1VgPnco - Permaculture, habitat restoration, food and nutritionLink visible for attendees
Permaculture, habitat restoration, food and nutrition
How does permaculture farming improve: food diversity and nutrition; soil and freshwater; global warming; urban and rural environments?
How restoring habitats should include use for food and materials; negative example—displacing indigenous Americans from national parks.
Dangers of industrial farming, capitalist extraction of resources.
High tech agriculture, vertical farming, pros and cons.
Resource material and suggested articles and videos:
Permaculture in Action | The 12 Principles Demonstrated 31 min.
Rewilding Principles 3 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_zZsg36pm4
From Soil to Seeds: Unlocking the Secrets of Nutrient Dense Gardening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkFWvfG0MPE
Three Sisters Planting and La Milpa | Urban Garden and Farm Tour with Wasatch Community Gardens 9 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEY8omjVlD8
Abundant 50 Year Old Food Forest planted by Maya Man to feed his community 30 min.
‘This place wanted to be a wetland’: how a farmer turned his fields into a wildlife sanctuary 5 min.
Land Use and Adapation - Traditional Knowledge and Climate Science series 18 min.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzBQZwpRhI0Topic: Bay Area Solarpunks April 15th Meeting
Time: Apr 15, 2025 19:30 Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 9235 2617
Passcode: 001095