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What we’re about

The 'Boardgame Division is part of the wildly popular, and expanding at light speed Bayonne Chess Society & Club. They've existed 40 days, and are ALREADY about to hit 200 members. This was on December 26th 2023. We're almost at 2025. So, imagine the numbers.

Someone asked, "Do you play Scrabble?" Yes we do. we play Scrabble, and any boardgame you want. You own it, you bring it..if you find other members want to play play it. You'll always find someone willing to play something. We have a Facebook page for both groups.
For chess:

For 'The Boardgame Division',

No sore losers allowed. We'll have a safe space ...OUTSIDE...for those. There's a small park outside across the street. Sore losers can go sit there, on a time out, and pout. When they realize they've been bad...they can return. Sheesh. Sometimes we have to treat people like children. Smh. :-)

So come. join us in the fun and laughs. Go at it in a battle of wits. Whatever the case EVERYONE IS A WINNER!!! We currently have 500+ chess members and about 50 for boardgames. Not bad for being in existence three months. Don't miss out on the fun. Come and chill. Good times never hurt anyone.

We also have our Youtube channel. Started that after our HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Anniversary Tournament. There were 32 participants, and the venue was standing room only. It was impressive. The video is the simul that took place before about 2 hours before the tournament started. Carsten Hanson, Danish FIDE Chess Master, and author of over 65 chess books, was the player doing the simul. One player actually drew against him.

BTW, don't tell anyone, but we also play Dungeons and Dragons. I started that group almost 5 years ago. We ended up going NATIONAL once the pandemic started.

I'm kinda old hat at these having fun type of clubs. if you're boring, maybe we're not for you. Want to spice up your life...join us.

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