What we’re about
Welcome to Bedford’s Make Friends & Be Social MeetUp Group for anyone wanting to take part in events in Bedford and the surrounding areas.
So just a little bit about us -
Our members “average age range” is 30s to 60s, but there are no constraints on age for you to join the group as long as you’re over 18.
We like to put on a range of daytime and evening activities so hopefully there is something for everyone. Regular events include meals, coffee mornings, theatre & cinema trips, live music and walks. We also have several repeat events that members enjoy and it’s great to go to these and form stronger friendships with familiar people. Most of our events take place in the three counties but sometimes we venture further afield.
To join this group, you must have a profile picture that shows your face clearly & at least a first name on your profile, otherwise your request to join will be refused. This is so our event hosts can recognise you and welcome you at events and for the safety of the group as a whole.
This is a private group and we reserve the right to remove anyone who does not behave in appropriate manner.
Event Organisers are hosting events voluntarily and receive no payment for doing so. We need Event Organisers to have a successful group and so they have autonomy to decide how to run their own events so they run smoothly.
It is very important for members to keep their RSVP’s up to date. Of course things crop up and if that is the case we just ask that you change your RSVP to “Not Going” at the earliest opportunity or comment on the event to let the Event Organiser know you can’t make it. This is a common courtesy to both the Event Organisers and anyone who may be on a wait list wanting to go.
As members are asked to make a membership donation towards the costs of the Group fees (please see below) we do not separately charge for attendance at events in general.
Occasionally you may see a cost attached to an event. If that is the case it will either be one where a deposit is required by the Venue or a deposit on meal events we request to secure a limited space (which will be taken off of the meal purchased at the Venue).
This Meet Up Group is a social group and not run for profit. However as you may know the Organiser of any Meet Up Group - in our case Elena - has to pay Meet Up £353 per year to have a group on this platform. It is increasingly challenging to cover the costs and we really want to keep the group on this platform, so in order to help Elena with this we ask members who have been to at least 2 events or have been in the group 1 month, make a membership contribution once a year of £5.
This payment can be done in a variety of ways - PayPal direct to meetupmembershipsubs@gmail.com (Friends & Family please) or bank transfer or Cash at an event to Sandra E.
Our sister group is “Luton & Dunstable Social MeetUp”. If members are in both groups they only need pay 1 x subscription amount.
Please note that all members take part in all activities solely at their own risk should any personal loss, accident, illness or physical injury occur during an event. Members are solely responsible for their Guests.
Please check your Profile settings to ensure you’re opted in to receive emails from our Organiser. We only send occasional emails regarding important communications. Meetup will also email you to notify you when we list new events.
Having problems receiving our emails? Try this:
Whilst we do all we can to ensure things run smoothly with a group of this size an issue may arise. I would encourage you to report the matter in confidence via Private Message so we can discuss it either to Sandra E (Co-Organiser) or Elena K (Organiser).
Thank you for taking time to read this section to familiarise yourself with the working of the Group.
Having done all the serious stuff we invite you to scroll through our Events and we hope something takes your fancy - be brave and RSVP to join an event as we look forward to meeting you!