What we’re about
Established in 1999, the Rockville Bicycle Advisory Committee (RBAC) is a group of volunteers of all bicycling levels. As a committee, we make recommendations to the City of Rockville Mayor and City Council and staff on bicycling issues from policies to implementation to infrastructure to improving conditions for biking in the City.
As part of these goals RBAC volunteers lead group rides to showcase the infrastructure, connectivity and other cycling features such as parking, signage and bikeshare stations. Our rides are designed to show cyclists how navigate our City streets and how Rockville earned a bronze level for being a League of American Bicyclists (LAB) Bicycle-Friendly Community. With these community bike rides, we hope you discover the bikeable routes in and round the City and join us to help promote safe cycling in Rockville.
More about the RBAC can be found on the CIty’s website: http://www.rockvillemd.gov/index.aspx?nid=327
There is a $5 per year membership to help pay for the cost of the Meetup and group liability insurance. Thanks for the support!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Monthly MeetingsLink visible for attendees
The Rockville Bike Advisory Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Are you a bike enthusiast?
Are you interested in the bikeways in Rockville?
Would you like to see more trails or bike lanes?
Would you like to make a difference on how the bikeways are maintained?Then join RBAC!
Since its creation, our volunteer committee has held regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year, carried out its mandated tasks, and has become an important and valuable resource to the City on bicycling issues. The active participation of the RBAC is vital to Rockville's continued success in implementing the Bikeway Master Plan Update and in improving conditions for bicycling in the City.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67FY8yFuU8&list=UUcfUJA6KhJVfIXr54S9us3Q
In 2019, the Rockville Mayor and City Council adopted a complete streets policy (to provide facilities that serve all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists) and in 2018 they adopted a Vision Zero resolution (to reduce traffic-related deaths to zero by 2030). RBAC members are working with the City to help with these goals and serve as liaisons to interested residents.
RBAC's Mission (http://www.rockvillemd.gov/index.aspx?nid=327):
The committee's mandate for action includes the following tasks:•Assist in the development of the City's bicycle and pedestrian specific policies, as well as other policies that affect the conditions for bicycling in the City;
•Oversee the implementation of the City’s Bikeway Master Plan Update and report progress toward completion to the Mayor and City Council;
•Review current and proposed CIP projects to ensure bicycle needs are incorporated into design and construction when appropriate; and
•Deliver updates on the needs and desires of bicyclists in the community, with recommendations for action to the Mayor and City Council.
Join us to share your thoughts and feedback.
- Monthly MeetingsLink visible for attendees
The Rockville Bike Advisory Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Are you a bike enthusiast?
Are you interested in the bikeways in Rockville?
Would you like to see more trails or bike lanes?
Would you like to make a difference on how the bikeways are maintained?Then join RBAC!
Since its creation, our volunteer committee has held regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year, carried out its mandated tasks, and has become an important and valuable resource to the City on bicycling issues. The active participation of the RBAC is vital to Rockville's continued success in implementing the Bikeway Master Plan Update and in improving conditions for bicycling in the City.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67FY8yFuU8&list=UUcfUJA6KhJVfIXr54S9us3Q
In 2019, the Rockville Mayor and City Council adopted a complete streets policy (to provide facilities that serve all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists) and in 2018 they adopted a Vision Zero resolution (to reduce traffic-related deaths to zero by 2030). RBAC members are working with the City to help with these goals and serve as liaisons to interested residents.
RBAC's Mission (http://www.rockvillemd.gov/index.aspx?nid=327):
The committee's mandate for action includes the following tasks:•Assist in the development of the City's bicycle and pedestrian specific policies, as well as other policies that affect the conditions for bicycling in the City;
•Oversee the implementation of the City’s Bikeway Master Plan Update and report progress toward completion to the Mayor and City Council;
•Review current and proposed CIP projects to ensure bicycle needs are incorporated into design and construction when appropriate; and
•Deliver updates on the needs and desires of bicyclists in the community, with recommendations for action to the Mayor and City Council.
Join us to share your thoughts and feedback.
- Monthly MeetingsLink visible for attendees
The Rockville Bike Advisory Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Are you a bike enthusiast?
Are you interested in the bikeways in Rockville?
Would you like to see more trails or bike lanes?
Would you like to make a difference on how the bikeways are maintained?Then join RBAC!
Since its creation, our volunteer committee has held regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year, carried out its mandated tasks, and has become an important and valuable resource to the City on bicycling issues. The active participation of the RBAC is vital to Rockville's continued success in implementing the Bikeway Master Plan Update and in improving conditions for bicycling in the City.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67FY8yFuU8&list=UUcfUJA6KhJVfIXr54S9us3Q
In 2019, the Rockville Mayor and City Council adopted a complete streets policy (to provide facilities that serve all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists) and in 2018 they adopted a Vision Zero resolution (to reduce traffic-related deaths to zero by 2030). RBAC members are working with the City to help with these goals and serve as liaisons to interested residents.
RBAC's Mission (http://www.rockvillemd.gov/index.aspx?nid=327):
The committee's mandate for action includes the following tasks:•Assist in the development of the City's bicycle and pedestrian specific policies, as well as other policies that affect the conditions for bicycling in the City;
•Oversee the implementation of the City’s Bikeway Master Plan Update and report progress toward completion to the Mayor and City Council;
•Review current and proposed CIP projects to ensure bicycle needs are incorporated into design and construction when appropriate; and
•Deliver updates on the needs and desires of bicyclists in the community, with recommendations for action to the Mayor and City Council.
Join us to share your thoughts and feedback.
- Monthly MeetingsLink visible for attendees
The Rockville Bike Advisory Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Are you a bike enthusiast?
Are you interested in the bikeways in Rockville?
Would you like to see more trails or bike lanes?
Would you like to make a difference on how the bikeways are maintained?Then join RBAC!
Since its creation, our volunteer committee has held regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year, carried out its mandated tasks, and has become an important and valuable resource to the City on bicycling issues. The active participation of the RBAC is vital to Rockville's continued success in implementing the Bikeway Master Plan Update and in improving conditions for bicycling in the City.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67FY8yFuU8&list=UUcfUJA6KhJVfIXr54S9us3Q
In 2019, the Rockville Mayor and City Council adopted a complete streets policy (to provide facilities that serve all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists) and in 2018 they adopted a Vision Zero resolution (to reduce traffic-related deaths to zero by 2030). RBAC members are working with the City to help with these goals and serve as liaisons to interested residents.
RBAC's Mission (http://www.rockvillemd.gov/index.aspx?nid=327):
The committee's mandate for action includes the following tasks:•Assist in the development of the City's bicycle and pedestrian specific policies, as well as other policies that affect the conditions for bicycling in the City;
•Oversee the implementation of the City’s Bikeway Master Plan Update and report progress toward completion to the Mayor and City Council;
•Review current and proposed CIP projects to ensure bicycle needs are incorporated into design and construction when appropriate; and
•Deliver updates on the needs and desires of bicyclists in the community, with recommendations for action to the Mayor and City Council.
Join us to share your thoughts and feedback.