What we’re about
If you would like to join our group please contact me: Antoinette Lorraine 07784787635 or email me antoinette@biodanza4all.com
There is an introductory price of £5 for new people.!
You should join if you like to move ! or if you feel inhibited but you would really like to move!
You should join is you want to be in the company of people who will not judge you but reinforce and encourage you
You should join if you feel you need to be in a beautiful community and can be in your human exploration without any judgement
You should join if you would like to bring joy back into your life!
You should join if you would like to see a better world -
BUT first transform yourself -!!!
Biodanza for Well-Being! Come and try Biodanza - the only way to know Biodanza is to experience it! You dont have to be a dancer and any age, shape or size can do Biodanza; no partner needed.
Just bring yourself along and wear comfortable clothes. You will be amazed at this amazing system of Biodanza that is known globally.
Biodanza involves, movement, music, the group and there are so many various exercises some which do not contain movement. So its very varied.
If you want to experience joy in your life, and a more enriching experience of living then this is something for your.
If you want to experience stress relief - this is something for you. So much to say so come and see for yourself.
Look forward to welcome you! Antoinette Lorraine
Cardiff Group: Every Thursday 7.15 -9pm
St Peters Community hall, 211 St Fagans Road, Fairwater,
Bristol Group: Every Tuesday 7-9pm
All Saints Church, Randall Room, Alma Vale Road, Clifton,
Cost: Introduction Cost: £5
£10 per class or 5 classes £45 / 10 classes £85
Biodanza Sundays for Well-Being: Fourth Sunday of every month 12-5pm in Bristol
St Werburghs Primary School, (Willows Site) James Street, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2
Biodanza Tribal Gathering Netherlands 24-28 July 2024
Discount cost for UK people
Biodanza Tribal Gatherings UK 24-27 May 2025
To be announced
IBF Biodanza School Bristol: Teacher Training: Fourth weekend of every month
Director: Antoinette Lorraine