What we’re about
This group was created on Nov 27, 2024. The main purpose of this group is to just get together, share insights, get to know each other, and connect around a mutual interest. The subject of UAP is one that can be approached from so many angles, and each member will have a unique perspective to bring to the group. Speaking to each other and exploring what we think and feel regarding UAP and possible non-human intelligence or extraterrestrial life on Earth is the primary aim of the Bipartisan UFO/UAP Citizens' Council. Let's just get together and chat about it!
A more secondary vision for this group in the long-run is as follows: This group is also intended for discussion of the UAP subject to examine this important topic and come to conclusions as to how to advise our elected officials in addressing this issue. Those who represent us need our input as to what stance should be taken regarding UAP matters within our local, state and federal government.
With so many resources out there, so much material and information on the subject, it would be difficult for just one individual person to sift through it all. However, as a group, we can tackle the matter together and wrap our arms around all the information, evidence and knowledge that is relevant to this topic. With regular meetings to analyze and discuss various aspects of this subject, we can, as a group, settle on conclusions based in thorough awareness and understanding of the topic from all sides. As we begin to solidify our positions on the matter, we will be able to put forward recommendations to elected officials and others as to how we, the common people, wish to move forward on this matter.
A very warm welcome to everyone and thanks for being here!