Let's get together for a (fun) brunch run this weekend. We'll do about 3.5 miles at a roughly 10-minute-mile pace, and we'll grab coffee/brunch when we finish!
Destination: Eastern Standard
775 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02215
Route: TBD
Other Reminders:
• We are meeting at a public location, so there is nowhere to store your stuff. Please only show up with stuff you can run with!
• I recommend you show up early if you need to stretch before your run. There are no group-led stretches. Please be mindful of your own stretching needs and injuries.
• If you don't think you can keep up with the 10-minute-mile(ish) pace OR if you think you'll be way faster, please check out the route for the run ahead of time.
• I look forward to seeing your smiling face! Please update your RSVP if you can no longer make it so we know you're not coming.