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What we’re about

Welcome to Boulder County Ladies who Move, Munch & Mingle (BC3M)!
Hello old and new Meetup members! Boulder County Ladies Who Move, Munch & Mingle (formerly Boulder County Ladies Who Brunch & Everything Else) will be exploring a new rhythm in 2025. We are a group of mostly 50+ (although we welcome and get all ages attending). We’re all ladies (sorry guys) and we love being active, adventurous and mutually supportive. We will be offering brunches and/or happy hours each month. A series of hikes will be scheduled in the spring/summer, with the goal of training for a culminating hike to the top of either Green Mountain or Bear Peak in the fall. We will also offer a variety of activities throughout the year, i.e. a group volunteer event, a cooking party, dinner & movie, potluck, book discussion, dinner & ice skating, pickleball, art/project work/sharing event.

Given the rising cost of the Meetup platform ($200+/yr), we will be asking for people to pay an annual fee of $5 before they attend their 2nd event of 2025. Try us out with no obligation to pay until your second event attendance. A record will be kept of everyone who pays and when it was paid and reminders will be given when the following year’s fee is due (one year after prior payment).

We look forward to rockin’ 2025 with you!

Upcoming events (4+)

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