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What we’re about

The main focus of Bournemouth Seafront Walking Group is to hold a regular Friday Afternoon walk between various points on the seafront from 2pm to 4pm. Other events for walks on other days or locations, meals out or drinks may be organised infrequently.

We welcome singles or couples in no fixed age range but most members are in their 50s, 60s and upwards. Dogs can be brought along and can be let off the lead but they obviously must be kept under control and be non-aggressive.

You are not expected to be a hiker, rambler or speed walker. Each walk is approximately 45 mins 2.2 miles each way with a stop for a drink at the midway point or on the return. So you simply need to be be fit enough to walk and talk for 45 mins before resting to do the same on the return.

We normally start at a point which has free parking nearby or is close to bus routes.

We are mostly fair weather walkers, so if it’s raining and we are likely to get wet the walks may be cancelled in favour of meeting in a Pub or Cafe for a drink and chat instead.

There is a limit of 15 members on most walks so some may miss out if a member booked on a walk doesn’t show or cancels with less than 24 hours notice. Unfortunately membership will be cancelled if a member doesn’t show on 2 occasions or fails to give sufficient notice on 3 occasions.

Membership is £5 payable on joining for the rest of the calendar year.