What we’re about
The GenZ FrenZ mission is to encourage 18-29-year-olds to stay abreast of key issues and provide grassroots opportunities to effect change in local politics. We do this through promoting webinars, forums, rallies, fundraisers, meet and greets, municipal meetings, town halls, debates, voter registration drives, text and phone banks, and door-to-door canvassing (with a buddy of course). We may be based out of Bridgewater, NJ, but we are receptive to any grassroots movement that needs a little Gen-Zing!
GenZ is officially the LARGEST voting bloc of all generations to date totaling 41,000,000 eligible voters in 2024 and growing every year. This figure includes 8,000,000 NEW eligible GenZ voters since 2022, which is about the same number of votes Biden beat Trump by in 2020. Talk about GenZ's POWER TO INFLUENCE the 2024 election!
GenZ is the most highly educated and diverse generation of all time and is also most impacted by the issues that our elected officials have been unable to resolve since before 9/11 (that's 2001 for those too young to remember) such as reproductive freedom, mental health care, economic opportunity, student loans, LGBTQ+ rights, social justice reform, common sense gun laws, women's equality (no we don't have that in the Constitution yet) E-T-C!
2024 is an CRITICAL election year and it's time for GenZ to rise up, get informed, and take a stand for what and who it believes is best for America's future. GenZ has the POWER to PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY by helping elect competent local, state, and federal officials -- or better yet run for office yourself!
GenZ FrenZ is a space where your opinion matters, your voice is heard, and your VOTE counts! PLEASE JOIN US (with a friend even better) and STAY INFORMED!!!
FYI to get discounted and sometimes free admission to democratic events in Somerset County, you can join Club Blue for $35/mo. All money goes to supporting the Somerset County Democratic Committee and its local democratic candidates.
I'll be sure to note which events are covered by membership in Club Blue.
Here's the link to join.
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Virtual Phone Bank -- every Monday for Special Elections in FLNeeds location
Click here to sign up and get Zoom link
We’ve got only days until the Florida's Special Election on April 1st, and GAY VALIMONT needs your help Phone Banking on Zoom to make sure every Democratic voter in Florida's CD-1 (Pensacola) knows how to get involved, re-enroll in Vote By Mail (VBM), and turn out in April.Join Team Valimont for a Weekly Virtual Phone Bank every Monday in March from the comfort of your home! You will get all the training and scripts you need to make calls and connect with voters. Whether you're a phone banking pro or new to the process, this is a fun and impactful way to get involved.
We don't have to wait till mid-terms to flip the House when we can do it NOW!!!!
- Virtual Phone Bank -- every Wednesday for Special Election in NYNeeds location
RSVP here to receive Zoom link
We are only days away from New York's Special Election on April 1st and there's no time to waste in taking back the House to resist Project 2025. One of three congressional seats are up for grabs including New York's 21st district (cow country near the Canadian border) and who better to represent us than Democrat Blake Gendebien (a dairy farmer no less!).Let's give Blake a good old farm hand and make some calls for his virtual phone banks every Wednesday in March. After signing up, you'll receive an email or two before the event with a zoom link and joining instructions. Once on the Zoom, you'll be trained you on his phone banking process and make sure you’re comfortable with the script. You can even do a few practice calls, too! Just make sure you have your fully charged laptop or tablet and phone.
- RUN FOR SOMETHING!! And here's how to get started ....Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Click Here to Register - Early Bird Pricing ends 2/14 - EXTENDED to 2/21!
(Ladies Only Event) Whether you've ever thought of running, are running, or just want to help others running for office, this workshop IS FOR YOU! And it's right at RUTGERS, Douglas Campus, in New Brunswick, NJ.For the past 25 years, Ready to Run's flagship New Jersey program has trained over 4,000 women to run for office, seek appointed positions, and manage campaigns. Ready to Run® program attendees walk away with:
- "How to" instructions on running for office
- Fundraising and media skills
- Real-world advice and best practices from experts
- Strategies for positioning yourself for public leadership
- Inspiration to launch a campaign
- A better understanding of party politics
- Internet strategies for political campaigns
Not from New Jersey? Anyone may participate in the New Jersey program, or find a Ready to Run® in your state.
Ready to Run® is an annual, non-partisan program convened by the Center for American Women and Politics for women who want to run for office, work on a campaign, get appointed to office, become community leaders, or learn more about the political system.
LOCATION: Douglass Student Center, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Registration fee is $175 through February 14th, or $225 after February 14th.
Fee includes meals and all conference materials.