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What we’re about

Welcome to Brighton and Sussex Social Club!
Make new friends at Brighton and Sussex Social. Most of our members are in the 50+ age bracket but we welcome people of any age. We have a range of events from walks to cocktails, theatre trips to treasure trials. Events are put on by members and you will be asked to put on two events a year. This could be a cinema visit or a stroll, anything goes really. First, you join for free as a temporary member for 3 months.

Firstly, on our Meetup page, follow the guidelines in ‘what we are about’. You then need to click ‘request to join’. It will ask you a few questions, one of which we ask you to verify your identity by sending us an email to: We also ask you to put a recognisable photo of yourself on your Meetup profile.

Once this is received, you will then be accepted on our Meetup page and you will see a number of our events. After 3 months as a temporary member we will ask you if you wish to join as a full member at £10 a year (Renewals in March). If you decide not to join us, we will be sorry to see you go, and you will be deleted from our Meetup page.

As a full member you will have access to all our events. You will also have access to our national organisation AIVC where you can join in events and holidays across the country.

Please note, if you have agreed to attend an event and your plans change (it happens to all of us at times) kindly change your RSVP to NO to reflect this. This group is voluntary and people give their time to organise an event. Sorry but two no shows will result in cancelling your membership, if you haven’t advised us.
We hope to meet you at an event soon.....