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What we’re about

This is a group for women who have chosen not to have children, where you can connect, share experiences and make real friends.  It's about celebrating our freedom and the choices we have made whilst respecting the choices of others. 
Women of all ages are welcome.
We have a regular monthly drinks meetup, plus a variety of other events organized by and for members.

Why join us:
You may be new to Bristol...
You may have just heard that the last of your core friends is pregnant... 
You may be feeling like your existing friends are just not as available to do stuff.
You may be exhausted with justifying to everyone why you're not having babies!
In this group you can be yourself, knowing we are all childfree and 'get it'. 
The paths that bring us to childfree are many and varied but we are united by positively embracing it.
Please note this is not a platform for bashing parents or to be anti-babies/children.  Let's also be respectful of those who may be child-less not through choice.

The Facebook Community (Bristol Childfree Women | Facebook)
Join our Facebook Community ‘Bristol Childfree Women’ where we share stories and experiences offering support and understanding.  It's also a great place from which to suggest and meet informally outside of the organised events here.

Our WhatsApp groups
We now have a few area based WhatsApp groups which are a great place for organising more impromptu meets for coffee or local events.
These groups work on the basis that:

  • Everyone contributes - the group is not 'owned' by anyone
  • Be proactive - suggest things and don''t leave others in the lurch
  • We’re all adults - respect other members and be generous

East Briz no Kidz:
South Bristol Footloose and Childfree:
Glossy Rd and Childfree:
WoT and North West Bristol:
South Glos/North Bristol:

There is an annual cost to running this group which we do not pass on to members. All we ask in return is that you respect the effort which goes into organising events, keep RSVPs up to date and perhaps contribute by hosting an event yourself.

We will charge a deposit for some events, especially where tables/seats need to be booked. This is normally collected by Paypal and returned/knocked off the bill on the night. We will return deposits if good notice is given, but reserve the option to pass on in tips or offset against MeetUp fees.

RSVP Etiquette:
Life can get in the way.  Plans can change.  We get that.  But please, keep your RSVP up to date. Some events have a waitlist, but people still need a bit of notice to jump on if someone drops out. If you persistently sign up for events and do not attend, you may be removed from the group.

If you have an idea for an event share it on our Facebook page. We need your ideas to keep the group vibrant and active. Anyone can suggest or host an event, so please get involved!

Fiona Powley
Group Organiser