What we’re about
This is a film club where we watch films to see what interesting stuff we can find going on under the surface and then meet up to hang out and share our ideas.
We want to hear your thoughts on the meaning of plot points, themes you see in the film, any interesting / weird details and of course your crazy theories. For examples, think the sort of thing you might find on youTube channels like The Take, ScreenPrism, or Wisecrack.
Any film can be good for reading stuff into so we'll watch anything from high brow and arty to disposable and trashy. We might not always agree on what constitutes interesting (not everyone is going to be into your Marxist analysis of the Shaun the Sheep Movie) but we encourage building on peoples crazy ideas anyway to give everyone the green light to share their hot takes, interpretations and theories.
Occasionally we may do screenings or cinema trips but our typical 'Film Club' sessions involve us all watching our chosen film at home and then meeting up to share our opinions and ideas about it.
If that sounds interesting to you, Join up to come along.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Incendies - Overthinkers in Person "It always leaves tracks"Sportsmans, Bristol
!!!! For new members !!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please note that our film club sessions are not screenings so please watch the film before the event!!
You can find a guide on "What to Expect / Discussion Structure" here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTSAyfuf0eZ3FtEJOr1C26y2SJdNKJKB80VMOhVbBAVmkvoTAmgNpowh2vdn5ElKuas3sjYnnqj74au/pub
Join us for our first film discussion of the year as we meet up in person, downstairs @ "Sportsmans" bar on Colston street, to discuss our later member selected film, the 2010 Arabic and French language film "Incendies" directed by Denis Villeneuve.
As usual, at the end of the event, one member will pick the film we discuss at our next event so stick around for the chance it could be you.
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