What we’re about
A group for the walking & outdoor enthousiasts in Brussels. Is it necessary to say more? Actually yes.
The main focus will be mostly given on one-day walks in Belgium. We will mostly follow GR-trails or other walking events that can be reached by public transportation. The trails are selected to show the best of the region they cross (nature, but also national heritage), while avoiding mass tourism areas.
RSVP'ing and no-shows
If you RSVP'd yes for a hike but cannot join please warn at least two day in advance. Persons who don't come or who RSVP'd yes, but change their mind at last minute will be put on the waiting list for the next activities. People who also join several activities and are on the main list of one will also be moved to the end of the waiting list.
Please note that activities are not automatically cancelled because of the weather, but they may be adapted. Some people do enjoy walking in forests during rain, really. You are asked to change your status if you don't want to join because of the weather. If there are not enough participants, the activity will be then cancelled/postponed.
The Brussels Hiking Group is not meant to be a hiking club but to allow experienced hikers to announce their willingness to do a given hike, find people to go along with and have a nice day. You are not supposed to be an expert, but to know your limits and choose to participate or not to an activity accordingly. You have also to make sure that you are covered by an insurance policy that covers hiking before taking part to an activity, and you also know the risks inherent to hiking. The Brussels Hiking Group is also a platform to allow interested people to propose their own activities, on their personal initiative. The Brussels Hiking Group acts only in that case as an intermediary and its organisers could not be held responsible in case of accident.