What we’re about
GSN Run/Walking Group - Creating Active Fitness Lifestyles. This is a group for anyone interested in running or walking with other people. We walk in various parks for scenery and a change of pace. We walk/run in 6-week intervals, but you can join us any week. We started this group:
- To meet and encourage other runners/walkers
- To get individuals off the couch and moving
- To step up your running/walking regimen
- To participate in running/walking events and challenges to keep you motivated
Upcoming events (3)
See all- GSN Walk/Run Park Tour Crystal Lake Park, Roebling, NJ)10th Avenue & Hornberger Avenue, Florence, NJ
Crystal Lake Park - Weather Permitting
Alternate Entrance: 10th & Hornberger Ave., Roebling, NJ.
Crystal Lake is the main access point for a portion of the Delaware River Heritage Trail, a regional multi-use paved trail that will follow the Delaware River corridor. The portion from Bordentown to Roebling is known as the Rt. 130 Bypass Trail and is a total of 5.5 miles. Included within the boundaries of Crystal Lake Park are miles of paved trails.
We will be meeting at an alternate location of 10th & Hornberger Ave, Roebling, NJ.
The main large lot has permanent restrooms, a drinking fountain, a picnic pavilion, and hiking and equestrian trailer parking off Axe Factory Road.
** We will meet in the parking lot of 10th & Hornberger Ave, Roebling, NJ.
This park offers a lot more than just the walking trail:
- Hiking trails
- Equestrian Trails
Our walk will be as follows:
- Rated - Easy to intermediate
- Beautiful scenery, paved trail
- Distance: approximately 3.5 miles
- Walk at your own pace
Check out the new pollinator meadow on the Rt. 130 side of the park. Burlington County was selected to participate in the Xerces Society’s Northeast Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Project, a program where the international nonprofit group dedicated to protecting insects and other invertebrates provides conservation partners with milkweed and other nectar-rich plants to place in parks and other strategic areas to create habitat for butterflies and other important pollinators.