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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in hiking, bicycling on paved or off-road trails, kayaking, snowshoeing, or snow hiking in the Southcoast/Buzzards Bay area. All skill levels are welcome. I started this group to meet other outdoor enthusiasts. I am looking forward to exploring the region with you!

A few basic rules for safety. You cannot take a picture of a person or group of people, even the back of them, and you cannot record video or record conversations without the express permission of the people involved.

By RSVPing for this event, you, as a participant, acknowledge that you have voluntarily chosen to participate in Buzzards Bay Outdoor Fun and Local Eats, a MeetUp group, involving hiking, kayaking, bicycling, snow-shoeing, snow hiking, and other outdoor experiences. Potential hazards include but are not limited to: trips and falls on uneven terrain or holes in the ground with potential ankle sprains and fractures, scratches and bruises, eye injuries from branches, head injuries from falls or hits to the head, bee stings, poison ivy or other skin irritations, anxiety attack, random wild animal encounters/attacks, ticks: Lyme disease, dehydration, heat stroke and accidental drowning**. If you know you are allergic to bee stings you are responsible to carry your own epi pen when outdoors or potentially around bees.** Through this RSVP, I AM AWARE THAT THESE ACTIVITIES ARE POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES AND THAT I COULD BE SERIOUSLY INJURED OR EVEN KILLED. I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, WHETHER THOSE RISKS ARE KNOWN OR UNKNOWN. By RSVPing for this event, I forever release Buzzards Bay Outdoor Fun and Local Eats volunteers and their affiliated organization, and their respective directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, contractors, and representatives (collectively “Releasees”) from any and all actions, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, or property damage, related to (i) my participation in these activities, (ii) the negligence or other acts, whether directly connected to these activities or not, and however caused, by any Releasee, or (iii) the condition of the premises where these activities occur, whether or not I am then participating in the activities. I also agree that I/we, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives will not make a claim against, sue, or attach the property of any Releasee in connection with any of the matters covered by the foregoing release. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL through this RSVP.