The name of this group is “Canandaigua and Finger Lakes Euchre and Other Games.” We’ll continue to play “Euchre” every other Monday. This event is about the “Other Games”, which we’ll play on the Mondays we aren’t playing euchre. I spoke to the folks at Twisted Rail, and since Monday tends to be a slower night for them, they’d be happy to have us play there, on the second floor. If things work out, we may start to play euchre there as well. For those interested in eating, I’ve sampled their menu, and the food is quite good. The noise level will also likely be much more pleasant than what we have been accustomed to.
We can sample several different games, but we’ll probably settle into 2 or 3 on a regular basis, depending upon which games the group likes the best. Training will of course be available, so don’t worry if we try out a game you don’t already know how to play. You will.
Depending upon the number of people who show up, I’d like to try some games that we can all play together, as a single group, or perhaps 2 groups. This of course is different than the euchre experience, but I think it will enhance our ability to get to know each other better and make some new friends. If you have some friends who aren’t euchre players, please invite them to join us here!
This is a bit of an experiment, so please come on out and give it a shot! If nothing else, you can enjoy some good food and drinks, with good friends, at Twisted Rail!