What we’re about
Join us for group Qigong class with David Silver, certified YMAA Qigong Master under Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. A one-hour follow-along practice of fundamental qigong warm ups and exercises that will help you feel your energy and improve your health quickly.
11am Fridays EST and 4pm EST Tuesdays via ZOOM.
Walk-ins are welcome, no sign up required, payment is by donation via PayPal: dvivid@gmail.com . No experience needed.
Class Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5630894324?pwd=UWNqRmp0aGErQ3JDTlNrVkNJSlFYdz09
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Qigong online - Moving Meditation Qigong with David Silver (YMAA)Link visible for attendees
This is an amazing group qigong class online, open to everyone, beginner-friendly, sliding-scale payment. Energize your mind and body and feel your Qi!
No experience necessary. Qi-gong means "energy-work" and it uses simple movements to increase your circulation of blood, oxygen, nutrition and energy, or bioelectricity. Qigong is a form of moving meditation that is thousands of years old, related to reiki, tai chi, and yoga.
ZOOM link is on the right side of page ---->
YMAA Qigong Master David Silver is certified with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, after decades of intensive study and practice starting in 2001.
EVERY TUESDAY 4pm est / FRIDAY at 11am est
Payment is via Paypal (sliding scale $20 - $35): dvivid@gmail.com
(If you attend class, please pay.)
NOTES: Please join a few minutes early. Wear loose clothing and drink a little water before class.
Please initially join the meeting with camera turned on so we can confirm you are not a bot to avoid disruptions in class (this is a common Zoom problem). After the first minute, you may shut camera off if you prefer. Only people RSVPed here with the same name will be admitted to help decrease disruption.
With repeated Qigong practice, you can heal old injuries, feel better, and stay healthy during the change of seasons. During our practice, you will learn the theory of how each exercise improves your health, supported with modern medical data. Questions are always welcome.
David Silver is a YMAA Qigong Master certified with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Yang's Martial Arts Association) after decades of intensive study and practice since 2001. - Qigong online - Moving Meditation Qigong with David Silver (YMAA)Link visible for attendees
This is an amazing group qigong class online, open to everyone, beginner-friendly, sliding-scale payment. Energize your mind and body and feel your Qi!
No experience necessary. Qi-gong means "energy-work" and it uses simple movements to increase your circulation of blood, oxygen, nutrition and energy, or bioelectricity. Qigong is a form of moving meditation that is thousands of years old, related to reiki, tai chi, and yoga.
ZOOM link is on the right side of page ---->
YMAA Qigong Master David Silver is certified with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, after decades of intensive study and practice starting in 2001.
EVERY TUESDAY 4pm est / FRIDAY at 11am est
Payment is via Paypal (sliding scale $20 - $35): dvivid@gmail.com
(If you attend class, please pay.)
NOTES: Please join a few minutes early. Wear loose clothing and drink a little water before class.
Please initially join the meeting with camera turned on so we can confirm you are not a bot to avoid disruptions in class (this is a common Zoom problem). After the first minute, you may shut camera off if you prefer. Only people RSVPed here with the same name will be admitted to help decrease disruption.
With repeated Qigong practice, you can heal old injuries, feel better, and stay healthy during the change of seasons. During our practice, you will learn the theory of how each exercise improves your health, supported with modern medical data. Questions are always welcome.
David Silver is a YMAA Qigong Master certified with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Yang's Martial Arts Association) after decades of intensive study and practice since 2001.