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What we’re about

Dine out with fellow food-lovers while discovering new restaurants and some old favorites.
We'll be Dining Out at a variety of casual, ethnic, and upscale restaurants.
Meet new people, and reconnect with old friends. 
Enjoy delicious meals and make satisfying conversation with friendly dining companions.
There may be times when we'll add an activity before or after a dining out event, such as a film, a game event. Your suggestions are welcome!

By the way, this is Frank. I am now running the group - at least on a temporary basis - as Meetup was going to shut down the group otherwise, in the absence of a leader. Please note the updated policies below.

* $1 FOR EXPENSES * I don’t charge a membership fee, but as in the case of other groups, I do ask for $1 per person for each event that you attend.  This helps to offset the monthly hosting-charge that must be paid to the Meetup management as a website fee.   

* NO-SHOW POLICY * The attendance policy is being updated a bit.  Restaurants are especially challenged lately, on matching the help they need, to the number of people showing up on any given day or night.  Moreover, it can be difficult for those on a Waiting List to suddenly change plans for last-minute cancellations.  I’m still working on the overall policy a bit, but in general: 

If you are on the waiting list, it is your responsibility to monitor the RSVP list.  Not realizing you were moved from waiting list to “Yes” is not a valid reason for not showing up to an event.  For example, if someone drops out six hours before the event time and you are next on the waiting list, you are then signed up to attend.  If, as the event start time approaches, you are concerned about being moved up, you should change your RSVP to “No”.  If you sign up for an event and change your RSVP to “No” less than 24 hours before the event, you may also be recorded as a no-show, since most of our events require a reservation to a restaurant.  (And I certainly understand that sometimes, there are last-minute emergencies, illnesses, etc, that can’t be avoided).

My experience with these groups tells me that most people are fairly conscientious about signing up, communicating, and committing.  With some other individuals, though, not showing up, or changing plans at the last minute, seems to be habitual. 

If you RSVP “Yes” for an event and do not show up, you will be recorded as a no-show.  In fairness to the group, two (2) “no-shows” without good excuses may result in your being moved to the Waiting List for future events; and may also result in your removal from the group, at least for a period of time. 

Thanks for your cooperation!
(rev 2 14 22)

Upcoming events (1)

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