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What we’re about

Most of us will spend over 80,000 hours working during our career. That’s around 40 hours a week for 40 years! So how you spend your time at work is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.
Choose wisely, and not only will you have a more rewarding and interesting life, but you might also be able to make a difference to the world and our most pressing problems.
Most career coaching programmes are to help with landing different jobs, but these workshops about what career to aim for in the first place.  Most people just rely on conversations with parents, teachers and friends. We believe that a decision so important needs a much more scientific and research-focused approach working with experts in the business of career advice, guidance and coaching.
During our research in designing this new programme we have found that much of the traditional advice like: “go with your gut”, “keep your options open” and “just follow your passion” simply does not work. Our approach has come up with many questions that hopefully help you to find what you are good at and how to be more successful.
Our current programme is divided into 4 standalone 90-minute workshops, which are delivered face-to-face to a small group and in a classroom setting.
There is a requirement to carry out approximately one hours’ worth of ‘homework’ in between the weekly classroom sessions.

The workshops take place in Sandgate. The 102 bus runs between Dover and Lydd via Hythe, Sandgate and Folkestone every 15 minutes.

For more information and/or to reserve one of only 8 spaces available on the workshops contact:

Kathryn Lammas, Facilitator Coach, Lammas Success Coaching
Tel: 07375 099173